Sunday, February 12, 2012

A Valentines Day dream

A Valentines Day dream

I wake up on Valentines Day morning No feelings of Love in the atmosphere Just me in my empty apartment No sweet aroma that's even near No roses awaiting on the counter No cute teddy bear with a bow No chocalates waiting to be ate No tickets to a dinner or a show I went to work that day Watched employees see flowers A girl sexy husband say in the phone "So baby I'll meet you in the shower" I got through the day A little sad and down Watching woman and men smiling Was enough to make me frown On Valentines night On my rooftops I sat watching passsing cars Wishing I had a man to cuddle with And hold me under the stars If only a romantic song could play If only someone would give me a glance Maybe my self-esteem would go up If only he'd ask me to dance If only he could get aroused Just by watching me put on lotion Oh if only; if only Then I wouldn't feel this emotion If only my lips could meet his Feel his warm skin on mine I wouldn't be stuck on Valentines Day I wouldn't have to waste time But it's all just a dream Merely another womans wish Just wanting and dreaming of a man Just dreaming and longing for his kiss Every Valentines Day I wish my dream was real This Characters feelings and thoughts Are exactly how I feel

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